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sábado, 30 de junio de 2007


I'm Jorge Bafalluy and I'm from Binefar, Spain.
It's the first time I go out of Europe and I think I'll enjoy a lot this month.
I arrived yesterday at six o'clock at home. It was a long trip. The longest I have made.
My homestay family the Khaledi and I'm going to live with they for a month. I never had live with other families so long.
I'm tired. My classmates are also tired. We have been more than a day travelling... from Spain, to Canada...
I hope to improve my English this month living here, in Vancouver.
The worst thing is the fast food. We had the worst food in the plane... And I think we will eat too peanut butter... But it's only a month!
I expect to improve my English and to enjoy the month!