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viernes, 20 de julio de 2007


I have learnt that brasilian is not different than spanish. They can understand us speaking spanish if we speak slowly.
And the culture is not different at all, they greet each other with a kiss with women and shaking hands with men. In Spain we give two kisses instead of one. They are late when they arrive 30 minutes later, like in Spain. About food? The most popular food in Brazil are salad, rice, beans and caipirinhas. And of course, it's impolite to eat with your mouth open.
The bigger holidays in Brazil are Christmas ( then it's summer in Brazil), and they're used to stay with their families at home and give some presents.
In Spain we have tradicional instruments like the spanish guitar, but in Brazil there aren't. They play drums.
They also have some tradicional symbols like the flag, soccer T-shirts, or the Amazonas river.
The most popular animal is Arara, a bird, and there are 185 millions people. The President of Brazil is Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva, and they stand for be a first world country.

domingo, 8 de julio de 2007


Last week we learnt about japanese culture. We spendt the afternoon talking with japanese people and then we wrote we knew in a large paper and we explained that to the other people. I learnt to say "hello" that is pronunced like "conishiwa", "how are you?" is "ogeinquidiska?"; I also learnt to say "fine, and you?" in japanese, that is "ogeinquidis, a na ta va?". And of course I have learnt to say "my name is Jorge", it's "va ta si no namae va Jorge dis" (it's a bit strange, I mean, too long). And I learnt to say "konishiwa", that is "goodbye". Now, we also know about japanese culture, about famous singers or film stars. And a very peculiar way to appear in pictures...

sábado, 30 de junio de 2007


I'm Jorge Bafalluy and I'm from Binefar, Spain.
It's the first time I go out of Europe and I think I'll enjoy a lot this month.
I arrived yesterday at six o'clock at home. It was a long trip. The longest I have made.
My homestay family the Khaledi and I'm going to live with they for a month. I never had live with other families so long.
I'm tired. My classmates are also tired. We have been more than a day travelling... from Spain, to Canada...
I hope to improve my English this month living here, in Vancouver.
The worst thing is the fast food. We had the worst food in the plane... And I think we will eat too peanut butter... But it's only a month!
I expect to improve my English and to enjoy the month!